Hallway A (kitchen, mainstage) in Luka's pizzeria

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Sonic: Wait a minute That part was an illusion or something.

---1 live left---

Sonic: Ok but it isn't

Sonic: Well i feel like getting some the eat. Looks in the fridge* ok no chilli dogs. Fine i will eat pizza which looks like slobber

Me walking through the halls*

Sonic: i know i dont belong here but what is this place...

Sees news*

Huh the bite of 97' hmmmm....

Sonic: *looking for security guard room* huh no room. OH MY CRAP WELP I BETTER RUN. *RUNS FAST* *DASHES DOWN HALL*

Spring foxy: *hums undertale Shop theme*

Corrupted foxy: what are you doing?

Spring foxy: huming a song and relaxing.

Corrupted foxy: I bought more whiskey for us.

Spring foxy: cool, put it in the parts and services room.

@Johnbatchelor walking through the halls:

im suprised that no one saw this cahnnel that i made ... wellp

...... *turn on some music*